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Medium Voltage Casualty Power System

Medium Voltage Casualty Power System

Our Rosenblatt Marine Technical Division (RMTD) has created two types of Medium Voltage (MV) Casualty Power Systems (CPS). The CPS is designed for the Navy and is a system consisting of bulkhead terminals with permanently installed cables and portable cables, strategically located throughout the vessel, for the purpose of bridging damaged sections of the main and alternate power systems in order to re-energize mission critical equipment. The system is intended to provide power during real emergencies. It is used to maintain a source of electrical power for the most vital machinery and equipment needed to keep the ship afloat, to get the ship out of a danger area, or to continue the mission of the vessel.

The two types of CPS that the RMTD has created are:

  • Medium Voltage Alternating Current (MVAC) – The MVAC CPS was designed for use on Navy ships such as aircraft carriers or other high voltage surface combatants.
  • Medium Voltage Direct Current (MVDC) – The MVDC CPS was designed for use on Navy ships such as future large surface combatants or other high voltage vessels.

Both systems provide low cost, survivable, emergency temporary power connections to restore MVAC and MVDC power to shipboard electrical zones and equipment isolated from power generation as a result of fire, flood, or battle damage.

Alternatively the CPS can be used as a Portable Medium Voltage Extension System for purposes such as:

  • Disaster response organizations who must provide an alternative to grid-supplied power on short notice and/or while operating in difficult or hazardous environments
  • Remote construction sites, temporary camps or compounds, etc.
  • Power systems for remote fire bases, temporary airfields, or any temporary construction where temporary power generation and local distribution is required.
  • Mining industry where sites are situated in remote areas not served by municipal power distribution.
Inside of a computer. Motherboard.

System Administration and Hosting

System Administration & Hosting

The Columbia Group’s IT professionals develop applications that we host and administer in order to provide robust Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions that provide great value to our customers.

Containerization and Orchestration

Containerization and orchestration in the cloud can reduce costs and allow you to respond rapidly to changing requirements. TCG understands the benefits of containerization and evaluates if cloud hosting might be right for you. We scan our running containers to identify when they need to be refreshed for security patching. We can recommend security tools for continuous monitoring of your production containers.

System Administration

The Columbia Group provides system administration and hosting services for a variety of applications.  Our system administrators are skilled at maintaining both Windows and Linux server environments and are automation experts using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform and Ansible.

Our other areas of expertise also include:

  • Administering dedicated servers hosted at commercial ISP locations
  • Maintaining Windows server farms that provide SharePoint, Project Server, Exchange, Outlook Web Access (OWA), and other services
  • Using virtualized cloud servers running RedHat operating systems to serve our custom applications

Visit our Application Portfolio page for more information about our custom applications.


The Columbia Group maintains a secured DMZ network to host external-facing applications for the government. Our staff maintains firewalls that protect our networks utilizing Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) for remote administration.

IT Business Process Re-engineering

Business Process Re-engineering

The Columbia Group uses information technology to improve an organization’s performance and increase efficiencies. Its main premise is to examine an organization’s business processes from the ground up, with the organization’s goals in mind. Information technology is used to enable new work models to ensure the organization is not “technology driven”, but rather “technology enabled.” Goals are customer oriented and focused on increased efficiencies. Re-engineering is about radical improvement, not incremental changes.

To learn more about the tools we have developed to assist customers with re-engineering their business processes, please visit our Application Portfolio page which describes each tool in more detail.

Smart Tri-Annual Tool (STAT)

Smart Tri-Annual Tool (STAT)

Volume 3, Chapter 8, Section 0804 of the Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation dated November 2000 established the requirement to perform obligation review three times a year to validate outstanding obligations. Upon the release of this directive, the Office of Naval Research (ONR) approached The Columbia Group to assist with its compliance as our company was known for having the capability to retrieve live financial data from ERP, STARS, and MOCAS.

In collaboration with ONR, The Columbia Group team developed Smart Tri-Annual Tool (STAT), a web-based, email enabled, workflow to assist with the obligation review process. STAT has been continuously optimized and customized to meet the needs of other customers such as SPAWAR and NAVSEA.

ONR was so pleased with this tool that the office gave a briefing to the other systems commands at a Major Claimants conference describing the success it had had in reviewing closing year obligations using this tool.


  • Captures baseline identifying all outstanding obligation that need to be reviewed for both MOCAS and non-MOCAS paid documents.
  • Includes ERP, STARS and MOCAS obligation and disbursement information.
  • Performs pre-review sampling for fund holders review.
  • Allows administrators to easily:
    • Filter or focus review based on a variety of user defined preferences.
    • Send targeted and customizable emails to knowledgeable parties.
    • Track current ERP and STARS data and responses inserted directly to database via web link in email.
  • Performs post-review sampling for BSO review.
  • Allows BSOs to perform review using an interface with checklists and document uploading features.
  • Provides user configurable threshold which allows review to be limited to documents meeting a customizable dollar amount threshold.
  • Gives results exportable to Microsoft Excel for use in compliance reporting.


  • Maximizes return for time spent reviewing outstanding obligations.
  • Ensures up to date and accurate information is included in data calls for obligation review.
  • Increases response rate by sending emails requesting status to POCs and automatically following up with unresponsive parties.
  • Saves time and increases accuracy by eliminating the need to collect and re-enter data when collecting responses.
  • Pays for itself by identifying funds that can be de-obligated.
  • Provides documentation of the review process and results with detail required by auditors to ensure compliance.