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Problem Disbursements

Problem Disbursements

The Columbia Group provides management oversight and personnel support for problem disbursement reconciliation and other types of financial discrepancies including STARS and Navy ERP Unmatched Disbursements, Negative Unliquidated Obligations (NULOs), interfund items, transportation charges, accounts payable, other expenditures, and Official Undistributed Disbursements (OUDs).  We reconcile problem disbursements associated with DFAS Columbus MOCAS paid contracts, STARS ONE-PAY paid contracts/purchase orders, other DOD payment vehicles, contracts and purchase orders, reimbursable and direct cite documents, travel documents, and MILSTRIPS.

Key areas of Problem Disbursement support The Columbia Group provides include:

  • Research on and reconciliation of problem disbursements including Negative Unliquidated Obligations (NULOS), Unmatched Disbursements (UMDs), and Official Undistributed Disbursement balances;
  • Preparation of briefing and training materials for government use;
  • Preparation of problem disbursement metrics;
  • Generation of ad-hoc Query Management Facility (QMF) queries for MOCAS and STARS;
  • Reconciliation of Treasury registration issues;
  • Assistance with tri-annual reviews of commitments and obligations;
  • Research on funding to cover prior-year unrecorded obligation adjustments;
  • Performance of root cause analyses and recommendation of resolutions;
  • Provision of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) for Integrated Project Teams (IPTs);
  • Documentation of audits; and
  • Preparation and submission of Obligation and Disbursement Transmittal Packages, PD Packages, RCRA Packages, and Site Visit Packages.

Special Tools 

The Columbia Group’s Computer Optimized Batch Reconciliation Application (COBRA) can automate portions of the analysis and reconciliation process, saving the government time and money. COBRA utilizes artificial intelligence to automate the reconciliation process between Defense Cash Accountability System (DCAS) for Treasury information, Standard Accounting and Reporting System (STARS), and Management Information System International Logistics (MISIL) for accounting, and Mechanization of Contract Administration Services (MOCAS) for entitlement.

Unmatched Disbursements (UMDs) and Obligation Discrepancies

The Columbia Group reconciles Unmatched Disbursements (UMDs) and Obligation discrepancies for several types of accounting systems, including the Navy’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.  Reconciliation within Navy ERP is conceptually the same as the reconciliation for STARS-HCM, but incorporates the more stringent ERP requirements, including CLIN/SLIN/ACRN importance in ERP, process flow differences between the HCM and ERP as well as the impact of Progress Payments.

Black and white chart with a green line moving upward.

Financial Improvement Plans

Financial Improvement Plans

The Columbia Group provides expertise in support of customers operating under the Department of the Navy (DON) Financial Improvement Plan. The Financial Improvement Plan is the process that DON uses to perform business process transformation and risk mitigation activities and that allows the DON to produce timely, accurate, and reliable financial information to achieve an unqualified opinion on the DON Annual Financial Statements. We apply our expertise in Department of Defense (DOD) Financial Management Regulations (FMR), Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations (DFARS), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), DOD/DON and DFAS policies and procedures, Query Management Facility (QMF) knowledge, Navy Accounting systems, DFAS payment systems, and DFAS Treasury registration processes as part of these customer support efforts.

The Columbia Group also provides assistance in the review of Federal laws, regulations, policies and procedures. We have the ability to assist customers in fulfilling responsibilities associated with the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act (FMIA) of 1996, and Section 1008 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002.

Key areas of Financial Improvement Plan support The Columbia Group provides include:

Puzzle pieces with the text: Our in-depth knowledge of policy, regulations, systems and accounting allows you to spend your time completing your mission.

Financial Management

Financial Management

The Columbia Group has long provided our customers with quality financial professionals specializing in the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) process and other aspects of federal financial management. Our experience and dedication to quality service allows us to provide our customers the support they need to manage and utilize funding efficiently and within prescribed legal constraints.

Problem Solving: We assist our customers in resolving issues and also provide tools to solve their problems.

Our financial management professionals understand each phase of the PPBE cycle as well as the interplay between the phases. We also know that financial constraints represent critical challenges that must be overcome in order to provide the warfighter the tools needed to accomplish their mission. We leverage our knowledge and experience to optimize our support of the armed services.

Key areas of Financial Management support The Columbia Group provides include:

Keyboard and mouse.

Information Technology

Information Technology

For over 20 years, The Columbia Group has provided a wide variety of Information Technology services to Government agencies. Our ability to leverage our subject matter expertise with knowledge of technical options enables us to re-engineer processes to maximize the use of technology.

The services we provide include:

Our employees provide logistics, acquisition, and financial management support to our customers while identifying areas that could benefit from automation. We are technical experts and problem solvers who increase the productivity of our customers by applying technology solutions.